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Chiropractor & Functional Medicine Headquarters
Dr. Steve Alukonis DC, DABCO
Melbourne Office
401 N Wickham Road Suite U

Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Datis Kharrazian: Developing the Clinical Eye to Discover the Causes of Fatigue
From The Institute for Functional Medicine.
In this advanced case assessment presented at IFM's 2013 Annual International Conference, Datis Kharrazian, DC, DHSc, MS, MNeuroSci, challenges physicians to develop a "clinical eye" in order to discover the root causes of fatigue. He asks, first of all, "Where does the patient's fatigue come from?" and develops a treatment plan based on the stimulation, activation, and communication aspects of the functional medicine matrix.
Dr. Steve Alukonis DC, DABCO
Merritt Island Office
2235 North Courtenay Pkwy Suite 4A
Merritt Island FL, 32952
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